Setting up your Trezor hardware wallet through the official guide at is straightforward and essential for securing your cryptocurrencies. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Trezor Wallet

1. Unbox Your Trezor Device

Ensure that your Trezor package contains:

  • Trezor hardware wallet

  • USB cable

  • Recovery seed card(s)

  • User manual

2. Connect Your Trezor Device

  1. Connect your Trezor device to your computer using the provided USB cable.

  2. Your Trezor device will power on and display a welcome message.

3. Navigate to

  1. Open a web browser and go to

  2. Choose your Trezor model (Trezor One or Trezor Model T) to proceed with the specific instructions.

4. Install Trezor Suite

  1. Download and install Trezor Suite, the desktop application for managing your Trezor device.

  2. Follow the instructions on the website to download the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).

  3. Install Trezor Suite and launch it.

5. Install Trezor Bridge

  1. Trezor Suite may prompt you to install Trezor Bridge, a communication tool between your Trezor device and your computer.

  2. Download and install Trezor Bridge from the link provided.

  3. Once installed, refresh the Trezor Suite webpage or application.

6. Initialize Your Trezor Device

  1. Open Trezor Suite and connect your Trezor device.

  2. Trezor Suite will detect your device and prompt you to initialize it.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up a new wallet.

  4. If you are restoring an existing wallet, select "Recover wallet" and enter your recovery seed.

7. Create a New Wallet

  1. Choose the option to create a new wallet.

  2. Your Trezor device will generate a recovery seed (12, 18, or 24 words).

  3. Important: Write down the recovery seed on the provided recovery seed card. Store this card in a secure location. Never share your recovery seed with anyone.

8. Confirm Your Recovery Seed

  1. Trezor Suite will ask you to confirm your recovery seed by selecting the words in the correct order on your Trezor device.

  2. This step ensures that you have correctly noted down your recovery seed.

9. Set Up a PIN

  1. Choose a strong, unique PIN to protect your Trezor device.

  2. Enter the PIN on your Trezor device using the randomized number matrix displayed on both your device and the Trezor Suite interface.

10. Optional: Enable Passphrase Protection

  1. For added security, you can enable a passphrase, which acts as an additional layer of protection.

  2. If enabled, you will need to enter this passphrase each time you access your wallet.

11. Access Trezor Suite

  1. After setting up your PIN and passphrase (if enabled), you can access the main Trezor Suite dashboard.

  2. From here, you can manage your cryptocurrency assets, send and receive funds, and explore other features.

Using Trezor Suite

Managing Cryptocurrencies

  1. Dashboard: View all your account balances and recent transactions.

  2. Send Funds: To send cryptocurrency, select the account, enter the recipient's address and the amount, and confirm the transaction on your Trezor device.

  3. Receive Funds: Generate a receiving address or QR code to receive cryptocurrency.

Advanced Features

  1. Portfolio Tracking: Monitor the performance of your assets over time.

  2. Exchange Integration: Buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly within Trezor Suite using integrated exchange services.

  3. Coin Control: Manage UTXOs for Bitcoin to improve privacy and transaction management.

  4. Custom Fees: Set custom transaction fees to control the speed and cost of transactions.

Security Tips

  • Store Recovery Seed Securely: Keep your recovery seed in a safe, offline location. Do not share it with anyone.

  • Use a Strong PIN: Choose a unique and strong PIN to protect your device.

  • Firmware Updates: Regularly update your Trezor device firmware to the latest version for improved security.

  • Beware of Phishing: Always ensure you are using the official Trezor Suite application and avoid suspicious links or sites.

Last updated